Root Canal Therapy

    Decay if left untreated progresses and destroys tooth structure eventually reaching the pulp, which contains many nerves and blood vessels and the tooth gets infected. The infection travels through the pulp and reaches the bone. This may result in an abscess, swelling, inflammation or pain. This is when root canal therapy is required.

    How will I know if I need Root Canal Therapy?

    Contact us if you have any of the following symptoms-
    • Pain or throbbing while biting
    • Pain when eating/drinking hot or cold beverages/foods
    • Deep cavity or injury that causes an infection in the bone
    • Color change/darkening of the tooth
    • Swelling in nearby gum

    What is the procedure involved?

    • A high definition intra-oral digital X-ray of the concerned tooth is taken in order to confirm the spread of the infection.
    • Local Anaesthesia is given to numb the tooth so that the procedure is painless. At Maskati Dental Center, we use a topical anaesthetic jelly before injecting so that there is no pain from the prick of the needle.
    • The decayed part of the tooth is removed and the root canals are opened to allow for the cleaning.
    • Cleaning of the root canals- This is done using small instruments called hand files and rotary files with a Rotary Endodontic system.
    • Filling the internal space with an “inert” root canal filing material and building the tooth to its normal form.

    At Maskati Dental Center, in most cases we can complete the root canal in a single visit. Procedure may last for an hour or hour and a half. However if the infection is extensive then 2 visits may be required

    Aftercare instructions-

    • Since anaesthetic has been used, parts of your mouth may be numb for several hours after the appointment. Avoid chewing and hot beverages until the numbness has worn off.
    • Between appointments, a temporary filling is placed to protect the tooth. It is common (and not a problem) for a small portion of your temporary filling to wear away or break off. If the entire filling falls out, please call us and set up a time to come in and have it replaced.
    • It is normal to experience some discomfort for a few days after a root canal procedure. To control discomfort, take any pain medication prescribed by us. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them as directed, even if all signs and symptoms of infection are gone.
    • To protect the tooth and keep the temporary filling in place, avoid eating hard or sticky food (such as gum), and try to chew on the other side of your mouth. Continue to brush and floss normally.
    • Usually, the last step in a root canal is the placement of a crown over the tooth. A crown will protect the tooth from breaking in the future.